Who Am I
This morning I arose unaware that I no longer possessed a name, nationality, sex or age. I had been kidnapped, restrained & stripped of my born or personal identification…….
Ironically, a man is more serious when he's shook-up than when he's trying to be sincere. Yet, never shall I fear the unfamiliar territory of self-discovery nor self-definition.
If I define myself as simply Physical Strength, I must include my mental seriousness.
If I recognize myself as an Asiatic Black Man, I must also acknowledge that I am human.
If I title myself as a major Troublemaker, I must add the fact that I can troubleshoot.
If I touch primarily on the times I've succeeded, I must tell the tales of when I've fell short.
If I label myself as being very profound, I must admit that I can be shallow at times.
Needless to say, my character is constant as well as consistent.
Despite the numerous definitions, titles, labels and ways of recognitions there are plenty of personal omissions that describe my personal style.
Therefore, allow me to sum this up by saying that I am a man who's ready!
Yet, I've just begun and I'm hardly done……..
Napoleon Glennquaree Toney